Insurance Company Adjusters and Public Adjusters

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Insurance Company Adjusters v Public Insurance Adjusters

When a property insurance claim is filed, the insurance company assigns a claims adjuster, commonly referred to as a Company Adjuster, to handle the claim on their behalf. These Company Adjusters, as employees of the insurance company, are expected to serve the best interests of the company and are encouraged to settle claims quickly and reduce payouts. While their primary goal is to serve the company's view, they still aim to fairly settle the claim based on policy coverage and the severity of the loss.

However, policyholders seeking a more impartial resolution to their insurance loss can turn to a State-licensed Public Insurance Adjuster, or Public Adjuster, to represent their interests and negotiate the settlement of their claim. Unlike the Company Adjuster, the Public Adjuster works directly for the policyholder, providing a more accurate and true view of the loss and ensuring that all policy benefits are received.

This is particularly valuable for commercial property owners or homeowners who feel their settlement was inadequate. Issues such as disagreements over policy coverage, disputes over what constitutes damage, or missed damage by the Company Adjuster can result in a lower settlement. A Public Adjuster, who is a graduate engineer, can provide a more technical and professional assessment of the damage and determine the true scope of repairs and replacement cost value.

The fee for a Public Adjuster is based on a percentage of the total settlement amount and is regulated by the State Department of Insurance. Although the fee may appear high, it can often result in a much higher payout from the insurance company, making it a wise investment. By acting as an independent advocate, the Public Adjuster provides policyholders with a professional and technical perspective to ensure they receive the full compensation they are entitled to.

At Faber Adjusting, Milton Faber and his team of graduate engineers understand the importance of a thorough investigation, accurate loss measurement, and professional documentation and presentation. With their technical expertise, they work tirelessly to ensure that policyholders receive the maximum compensation they are entitled to. Contact Faber Adjusting today to experience the positive difference that only a graduate engineer can bring to your insurance claim.